The people of Ecuador are rising up to refound their country as a pluri-national homeland for all. This inspiring movement, with Ecuador's indigenous peoples at its heart, is part of the revolution spreading across the Americas, laying the groundwork for a new, fairer, world. Ecuador Rising aims to bring news and analysis of events unfolding in Ecuador to english speakers.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Correa refuses to mend Colombia ties

Sun, 13 Jul 2008

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has refused to restore ties with Colombia following the Colombian attack on the Ecuadorian territory.

Correa said during his Saturday radio show, 'Our sovereignty has been trampled on, and we have been disrespected,' declining to mend relations with the Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

Relations between the two countries have been strained following the Colombian attack in the Ecuadorian territory in March killing FARC leader Raul Reyes, which urged Venezuela and Ecuador to send troops to their border with Colombia, leading to the region's worst crisis in years.

Although Chavez and Uribe met in Venezuela on Friday which in Chavez's words, 'turned the page' on poor relations, Correa has said that he has no interest in mending ties with Colombia until there is a government 'worthy of talking to'.

Chavez said he will try to persuade Correa to mend ties with Uribe during a visit to Ecuador this week.

However, Correa claimed he would not consider it, saying he had taken offense at Colombia's portrayal of his country as an 'accomplice and staging area' for the FARC.

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